

Four-String Motherfucker Chuck Dukowski's other baby…

Filthy, scummy, dirthead rock 'n roll that sure bummed out the "punks" back in 1985.
Schizophrenic & heavy, yet punk as fuck overall, these guys never got the credit they deserved.
Bands like St. Vitus, Angel Rot, & Debris, Inc. seemed to get the message these put down years loud and clear years before them.

Hang up your "man-purse" and get your hands dirty, Sally.

Würm - Feast
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For the three of you who still stop in here regularly:

Hawaii was fucking awesome as usual - I suggest everyone take a trip to The Islands some day. Nothing like good food, sunshine, good friends, mellow vibes, amazing sunsets, epic flora, etc.




This record came out at the right / wrong time…

In 1990, I was in the throws of some old-school American Hardcore hangover, trying not to fall into the newfangled "grunge thing" - (TAD ruled) - and then THIS RECORD showed up.
Fuckin' Xtian hippies into Sabbath? Huh?

In the end, they are just a fuckin' killer band who enjoyed getting fucked up & weren't really Xtian band at all.
Politics aside, this band was an anomaly for ANY scene at the time.
Still a weekly go-to record for me.

Why this record is not easier to find is beyond me - Rick Wartell & Bruce Franklin could possibly be one of the most under-the-radar guitar-slingin' bad-ass rock duos out there. Seriously, not a filler riff on this slab at all - the Rick Rubin production - just like on Slayer's 'South of Heaven" *ahem* "re-invented their sound" - and there is not a note wasted here. Sound-wise it's a time bomb; with the fat fucking mix, etc.

Get your Black Shape of Doom on already, willya?

Trouble - Trouble
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☞ Last post until 4/20 at least - (off to Hawaii for a week). Fuck yes. ☜



Absolute perfect early Swedish Death Metal played with stylistic perfection. Heavy as fuck, relentless as fuck, and brutal as fuck.

This record goes straight for the jugular every second of every song. Tasteful drumming, dynamic riffing, and from-the-depths vocals?

Works for me…

Grave - Into The Grave
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