

Just a note to let you know that the Jerry's Kids posting has been re-upped to MediaFire.
I'd like to find the time to migrate all the early posts to MediaFire, but for the meantime I'll be re-upping by request.

Thanks as always for stopping by, leave a comment if you download, and support the artist by buying product from them whenever possible - fuck using Amazon.com, etc.

Now playing:
Killdozer - River
via FoxyTunes


  1. hi,
    I've downloaded a lot of music from your blog, and I've never written any comment, but I really appreciate your work.
    your diatribe against rapidshit was pure good sense, in 15 years I bought more than 2000 records and if I have to pay I prefer to send money to a band or a label than to RS.
    since you're asking, I'd love to hear the DRI demo and asschapel.
    I tried to download Dead Elephant but it never worked, and when I try to download Jerry's Kids, mediafire ask me what file I want to upload... but maybe it's just me.
    anyway, thank you for the time you take to give us all this great music, especially the sludge and old hardcore posts. there's nothing better.

  2. Laurent - Thanks for the great comment!
    This blog is a labor of love, I'm not out to cheat any bands out of $$$, etc.
    Rapidshare is fine, but I just don't understand why anyone would want to pay THEM - seems like it's m ore worth it to just go buy the CD instead...
    I'll re-up the DRI & Asschapel soon, I'll post a reminder update when I do it. Hopefully I can do it this weekend. I've got some dead links to fix...


Please refrain from posting as "ANONYMOUS", thanks!