

Awesome "joke thrash" from San Antonio, and what a rippin' slab it is!

Hard to believe this thing is 20 years old; still dig it as much today as I did the first time I heard it. I actually own test pressings of two of their records. They were given to me by an old friend who was "just gonna throw them out".
The sad (or is it "ironic") thing about this "joke" is how fucked the state of the Iran / U.S. relationship still is. That will never change though I'm pretty sure, but enough of the heavy talk - let's just fucking thrash!

D/L Fearless Iranians from Hell - Holy War right here.

*check back as I'll be posting more stuff from the Boner Records catalog in the near future.*

Now playing: Miltown - Delicate Fiction


  1. MR.T: Great one here man!

  2. i used to play this on the radio in chicago. I had people calling me up saying it wasn't funny because of 9-11. Too bad the iranians had nothing to do with it. ah, sweet irony.

  3. Great stuff man! Looking forward to some more Boner Records.

  4. skating fast to fast music is the best. bomb hills, not countries!

  5. Wicked Album!!
    Haven't heard this since I gave my vinyl copy to my ex bst friend.
    Awesome stuff!!

  6. I'm Gonna Kill Myself!!!! It never held the same attention for me as that first EP. I still love these guys. I get annoyed when this one comes up with some people. Fuck that modern man overtly over enforced PC criticism. They just turn comedy and free thinkers into a new minority by enveloping and lacing their rules with Orwell's vision.

  7. American Woman
    In My Bed
    American Greed
    Inside My Head
    No Use For Reagan
    Won't Miss His Face
    Got A Brand New Puppet
    To Take His Place

    Praise Allah!


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