

My homie Aesop posted this on his stellar blog a while back, and I couldn't resist also posting what I feel is one of THE GREATEST death metal albums ever recorded.

This is easily the best DM record to ever come out of the FL DM scene, in my humble opinion. The vocals are fucking pure sickness, and the divebomber-leads-from-hell are second to none in the genre.

I'm gonna shut up about it now, but I will say that this has been my "go to" CD at 8am when I get to work & need to kick it in to high gear.

Never fails, bro.

(Link will open in new window)

Obituary - Slowly We Rot

Now playing: Order From Chaos - Tenebrae
via FoxyTunes

via FoxyTunes


  1. been looking to get into these guys for a long time...

  2. this is some serious badassery. one of my childhood faves and i can't find the cd, so i'm much obliged.

  3. Cause of Death > Slowly We Rot. You can't beat sick cover art, James Murphy leads, and a Celtic Frost cover!

  4. Most Excellent. This album is hard to find up here so thanks a bunch. Baaaaadddd aaaaassssss!

  5. Enjoy it!

    I got it from my stellar music guru/homie Aesop over at


    if you haven't checked him out yet I suggest you do so...

  6. cause of death and the end complete are great albums, too. anything after that just doesn't really do it for me.

  7. This is pretty sweet, need to get songs back, my laptop died and I am left without a music library other than cd's without cases all scratched up ><

  8. I remember this album fondly. Back in 1990 some friends and i were laying a patio badly for my old man, so i moved my stereo outside so we could blast tunes whilst we worked. I lived on a estate and surrounded by houses. Top stuff being played and annoying the hell out of the neighbors including one who was a pig, included this, Morbid Tales, DK's, Op Ivy, Slayer, even the first Shelter album which arrived in the post as well as old grind demo's my mates brought round. It was a good laugh.

  9. Obituary is made for pissing the neighbors off!


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