

Old-school Orange County HC that I thought for years was an East Coast / NY scene band for some reason - in fact, I wish they were, because I was never that big a fan of the O.C. version of HC - always felt it was too "suburban" & "war-paint skanky" or whatever - kinda like that scene from "CHiPs", or "Quincy", ya know? Besides, BLACK FLAG set the bar too fuckin' high for most bands.

Anyways, back to Love Canal...

I think the first song I heard by them was "Hitler's Brain" and yeah, it's still a jam, as is this unsung HC gem from the Left Coast. They were only around for two or three years, but they put a stamp on the scene, playing all those Mega-huge Hollywood HC shows, and this record is proof of their capabilities.

There's some funny bits in here as well, back when "hardcore" bands still had a sense of humor - unlike most of today's heavily-tattooed/girl-pants-wearing set - which I find to be quite humorous in itself...

Love Canal - It's A Dog's Life So Blow It Out Your Ass

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While the Cavalera Brothers have moved on to newer/groovier pastures - as has the current lineup of this band - there was a time long ago when four like-minded hombres came together & created one of the greatest "pure thrash" metal records ever conceived.

Aggressive on all levels, the drumming is relentless and spends most of its time in a drag race with the razor-sharp riiffing. The vocals are no-frills/full-throated crossover-style, and when this thing came up on my iPod today at work during shuffle mode, I had one of those moments of, "Holy Shit - I forgot all about this record!" and had to turn it up loud (at 8:15am) and remember how great these guys were - even if it was only for (maybe) one record more (Arise).

Sepultura - Beneath the Remains

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One of my all-time favorites, the Cro-Mags were a "life-changing" band for me.
They opened my eyes to a different way to look at the world, both in a positive light - as well as in a self-abusive manner - much like their own personal existence(s).
I'll spare you the details - we all have our own personal demons - but in exchange, I will share with you this amazing live recording from the "Golden Era" of the Cro-Mags.

Comments appreciated - I know that's so 2009, but I enjoy the dialogue, and we all know how you like to talk about yourself, etc.

Cro-Mags - 08.06.1986 Pittsburgh, PA

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Here's a hot slab of raging incendiary RVA HC for ya'll from back in the day - it's got a member of White Cross within it's ranks, so if you know anything about first-genration US HC, you'll know what you're dealing with here as this apple didn't fall far from the tree...

Unseen Force - In Search of the Truth

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Sack-blistering thrashy crusty hardcore from the land of Linux and vodka.

These guys haven't stopped attacking you about the ears and brain since they started back in 1980 - were you even born yet? - and while the faces and styles may have changed, their relentlessness hasn't eased up, and that's a good thing.

Terveet Kädet - Onnellisia Kytkentöjä

Link removed 01.04.2011 due to the leeches over at Punks and Skins - FUCK YOU GUYS.