

So I'm digging around the 'ol internet to find some clues as to who these dudes were & where they originated from - Newmarket, Ontario / Canada is the place. It turns out John-Muthafuckin'-Candy is also from said suburb of Toronto as well.
Newmarket also claims that creepy fucker Jim Carrey as a former resident, as well as a ton of (of course) NHL greats, etc.
Anyways, that's enough in the Great White North history lesson for today.

Rotting were around in the mid-Nineties, and they played a "Canadian-styled" version of the Swedish Death Metal. Nothing unique, but nothing bad either. A solid listen for sure. Enjoy.

Rotting - Crushed
Link in comments.


  1. whoa, blast from the past for sure. first show i ever played was with these guys about 10 years ago.

    keep up the good work dude!

  2. Man, this is so awesome. Great voice. Punishing backing.

  3. @kielbasage - right on, brother - hey I linked you up - had no idea you were "bloggin"...

  4. Thanks bro. I've been following you for a couple years now. Great stuff. Keep after it.


Please refrain from posting as "ANONYMOUS", thanks!