

Not alot of web presence for these semi-obscure early 80's western Michigan hardcore punkers.
I will say that this cassette stands the test of time. I'm guessing this is from around 1983 or so, I lost the artwork a long time ago...

D/L Born Without A Face - Freakshow right here.


  1. Thanks for this one. They did release two 7" eps, and one other cassette. This is however, the cream of the crop.

  2. I have the two 7"s, the other cassette, and I had another tape that Mark Dancey (guitarist) had given me of them playing their first show in a G.R. basement. They did a Redd Kross song on it. Lost it. Fuck...

  3. - the freakshow tape is from 84-85.
    i played drums with them for about a
    year in 85. can you post or upload
    the 'psyche!' tape if you have it?
    all i have left is the cover for it.

  4. I wish I had Psyche, in fact, I'm having a hard time locating anything other than the two 7"s...
    I was friends w/ Mark & Robert when I lived in A2 back around 1988-90 or so.
    Some shitty little scumbag punker dudes from East Lansing stole my cassettes at a party a long time ago.

    thanks for stopping by

  5. Wow. Incredible, thanks for posting. I've had that tape in storage for years and it's great to hear itagain. I think a buddy of mine has "Pysche", I'll drop back if so.

    Thanks again,


  6. That would be awesome if you could make that happen, Doublebrightness...

  7. Hi Lo-Res, I'm following your advice (on the Swamp) and getting something by band Born Without a Face. Thanks!

  8. Nice one!
    Love 'Worship' & looking forward to this.

  9. Prunus_Sargentii2/08/2010 12:43:00 PM

    My record label is going to be releasing Freakshow + 2x7's on a dbl lp soon. Should be out in about 4-5 months from now. If anyone here is interested I can post the details when it's out.

  10. wow i love these time get the forced anger out

  11. Look around, you'll find Forced Anger posted up here as well too...

  12. yea forced anger born with out face favorites from mi


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